An Amazing Student Developers Community at Postman Inc.

TLDR: Community Benefits and My Journey to become a guest speaker at Georgia Tech and UC Berkeley.


3 min read

Who Am I

Hi there, I am Abir, a Postman Expert, Student Leader, and Major League Hacking Fellow. I have been working in Software Development, Product Management, and Developer Relations for a while. I am a kind of software development and developer relations person.

Being a Junior CS Undergrad Student. I have seen a lot of students struggling to find the right developer community for them. Though if they are in a developer community, they still struggle hard to upskill themselves

Why Postman Student Community

Postman Inc. wanted to build this difference. And here we are, with a program Postman Student Expert and Postman Student Leader Program. The Program focuses on cultivating API Literacy among students by building global advocacy of student leaders, known as Postman Student Leaders.

The very different and unique parts of this program are,

  • Every Postman Student Expert has to pass Postman Student Certification Test. In the test, Postman Student Experts are required to perform basic requests, response functionality on Postman, then to write basic test assertion scripts and after all, sending your final collection to Postman Verification Servers.

  • You will be given worldwide opportunities to speak at various conferences. Recently I have given my talk at UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, Google Brain, and Facebook Research.

  • Not only this, Postman has rich open-source culture, and developers can learn and get an opportunity to contribute to Postman Open Source, by doing contribution to the Postman Repositories like

  • Empowering other students, when you are a Student Expert, will help you to earn Postman Student Leader.

Memorabilia from our first Postman Student Leaders Meeting


My Journey till now.

API Hacks, the Hackathon for 1st and 2nd years. 1. It was an effort, to make students learn about API and build something amazing.
2. This Hackathon was a 5 day Hackathon, which Involved the first core learning about APIs, and it was before I was a student expert.
3. Introduced students about Postman Student Expert Program
4. Conducted API Test, and participants received swags too.
Interaction with Steve Woznaik, and famous personalities, in Postman Galaxy 1. My submission to one of the challenges, in the Postman Student Community, Explain API to your Grand Parents Challenge, won the ticket to Postman Galaxy and it was amazing to interact with great personalities like Steve Woznaik, Co-Founder of Apple Inc.
API 101 Workshop at Major League Hacking Hackathon. 1. As a part of a pre-hackathon session at Hack The Mountains, I helped students to get uplifted with API Literacy
2. I took it to next level, by building a LIVE CRUD Application using Airtable API and doing edits.
Guest Speaker at UT Austin 1. As a part of a pre-hackathon session at Hack The Mountains, I helped students to get uplifted with API Literacy
2. We built an internal CRUD application, just like Netflix using Airtable.
Guest Speaker at UC Berkeley and Georgia Tech. 1. This opportunity was provided by fellow Postman Student Leader, Tanishq Sandhu, from Georgia Tech.
2. It was a DSAILT Conference(Data Science and AI Leaders of Tomorrow)
3. I started with Postman Basics, covered Codegen, writing test scripts, and enhancing API Testing and Collection Running through Postman.